Support and advice

Losing a friend or family member can leave you with a wide range of emotions. You may feel distressed, upset, angry or frightened. Everyone’s reaction to death is different, and there is no one way to feel or to deal with those feelings.
You may want to deal with these emotions alone or with close family or friends. But if you want someone else’s support or advice, there are many agencies whose trained staff or volunteers can help you.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive. There are many other organisations, charities and self-help groups that are available to support you. Check your phone directory for local service providers.
Please also note that these organisations, charities and self-help groups work independently – the Ministry of Justice is not responsible for the service they provide..



Directgov is the official government website for citizens. It provides easy access to public services and information. For example, when you are trying to register a death, a simple, interactive tool can be found in the ‘Government, citizens and rights’ section of the website.
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Youthhealthtalk is a charity website that contain videos, interviews and user forums. They allow you to share your experiences with other people, exchange information and get support.
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Metropolitan Police

The Metropolitan Police website gives bereavement information for family and friends. You can find this in the A–Z index under ‘Bereavement advice’.
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Coping with loss.

Victim Support

Victim Support is a national charity which helps people affected by crime. Their trained volunteers and specialist staff provide a free and confidential service of practical help and emotional support all over the country. They can also put you in touch with your local Victim Support office..
Write to:.

Victim Support National Centre.
Hallam House.
56–60 Hallam Street.
London W1W 6JL.
Call: 0845 30 30 900 Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm, .
weekends 9am to 7pm, bank holidays 9am to 5pm.
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Witness Service

The Witness Service is a free and confidential service run by Victim Support which helps witnesses, victims and their families before, during and after a trial..
Their trained volunteers give emotional support and practical information about court proceedings. This includes a visit to the court, where it may be possible to view a courtroom. They will also offer support on the day of a court hearing. .
To get in touch with the Witness Service, contact your local Victim Support service (see details above) or your local court.


National Victims’ Association (NVA)

The National Victims’ Association (NVA) offers support to families bereaved by murder throughout the United Kingdom. They also campaign and advocate for victims’ rights..
Write to:.

PO Box 111.
Tyne and Wear NE32 5TE.
Call: 0191 423 2210 or 0777 564 6193 (mobile).
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The Samaritans

The Samaritans provide confidential, non-judgemental emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide.
They offer their services by phone, email, letter and face to face in most of their branches 24 hours a day.
Write to:

PO Box 9090
Stirling FK8 2SA
Go to:
Call: 08457 90 90 90
Text: 07725 90 90 90
Minicom: 08457 90 91 92 (for the deaf or hard of hearing)


NHS Direct

NHS Direct is a confidential helpline, available 24 hours a day. All callers are routed to a local service desk.
Call: 0845 4647
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Cruse Bereavement Care

The national Cruse Bereavement Care promotes the wellbeing of bereaved people, and enables them to understand their grief and cope with their loss.
The organisation provides counselling and support, and offers information, advice, education and training services through:
• a helpline
• information on what to do after a death
• leaflets and publications about bereavement
• bereavement support and advice in a network of local branches
• training in bereavement care for volunteers and professionals
• a specialist bookshop.
Call: 0844 477 9400
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For young people the agency also has a free phone helpline and interactive website.
Call: 0808 808 1677
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Help the Aged

Help the Aged is a charity fighting poverty, isolation and neglect among older people.
It offers information, advice and community services, including online and printed advice about bereavement.
Write to:

Help the Aged
207–221 Pentonville Road
London N1 9UZ
Call: 020 7278 1114
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The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is a Christian charity with a strong social conscience, seeking to alleviate distress wherever it is found.
Their officers are trained in providing pastoral and other support for the bereaved, both church members and people in the local community.
Contact the national organisation for details of their local groups.
Call: 020 7367 4500
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The Candle Project

The Candle Project is part of St Christopher’s Hospice, a registered charity which provides free one-to-one and group bereavement support for children, young people and families in the South East London area.
It also offers a phone advice service for parents, carers and professionals nationwide.
Call: 020 8768 4500
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Muslim Community Helpline

The Muslim Community Helpline is the successor to the Muslim Women’s Helpline (MWHL). Former MWHL staff now provide emotional support and counselling, referrals and practical help to members of the Muslim community.
Write to:

PO Box 803
Harrow HA1 9DY
Call: 020 8904 8193 or 020 8908 6715 Lines open Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm – sometimes extended to 3pm, depending on staff availability
Community languages are available (sometimes on a callback basis for Arabic, Turkish and Bengali).

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual Bereavement Helpline

The bereavement helpline offers support and practical information to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered callers who have been bereaved.
Their trained volunteers also welcome calls from affected family, friends, colleagues and carers.
All calls are handled in the strictest confidence and they cannot trace your call.
Call: 020 7403 5969 Lines are open Tuesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm


Getting counselling and psychotherapy.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

For free information on counselling services in your area and a list of counsellors available.
If you have any questions about the process of counselling, ask for the Client Information Helpdesk.
Write to:

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
15 St John’s Business Park
Leicestershire LE17 4HB
Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.
For counselling services in your area: 01788 550 899
For a list of counsellors: 01455 883300
Go to:
For a list of counsellors, select the Find a Therapist directory.


ASSIST Trauma Care

ASSIST Trauma Care is a charity working in the specialist area of psychological trauma. Their specially trained therapists employ evidence-based, trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help individuals and families affected by a traumatic occurrence.
The therapy takes place at the ASSIST offices in Rugby or at other locations by arrangement. They also offer support through their helpline.
Appointments: 01788 551919
Helpline: 01788 560800
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Asian Family Counselling Service
The Asian Family Counselling Service offers a dedicated counselling service to members of the Asian community.
Write to:

Asian Family Counselling Service
Suite 51
Windmill Place
2–4 Windmill Lane
London UB2 4NJ
Call: 020 8813 9714

If you have lost a partner

Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service

The Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service offers emotional help and support to bereaved members of the Jewish community throughout North and North West London.
Write to:

The Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service
Bet Meir
44b Albert Road
London NW4 2SG
Call: 020 8457 9710


A Different Journey, Care for the Family

A Different Journey is a project run by the nationwide charity Care for the Family. It is staffed entirely by people who have been bereaved of a partner at a young age, and offers support through:
• day and weekend events for individuals and families
• a telephone befriender scheme
• a regular newsletter via email
• website support.
Write to:

A Different Journey
Care for the Family
Garth House
Leon Avenue
Cardiff CF15 7RG
Call: 029 2081 0800
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National Association of Widows and Widowers

The National Association of Widows and Widowers offers support, information and advice.
Write to:

National Association of Widows and Widowers
48 Queens Road
Coventry CV1 3EH
Call: 024 7663 4848 or 0845 838 2261
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If you have lost a child or a young person.

Way (Widowed and Young)

WAY Foundation offers support and friendship to bereaved men and women under the age of 50 who have lost a partner – in whatever way, and however long ago.
The organisation aims to provide a social and support network to help young widows and widowers rebuild their lives after the death of a partner.
Members’ children are welcomed too.
Way offers the following practical support to all members:
• a regular newsletter
• local social activities in most regions for adults, children and families
• a secure, online message board and chatroom for members
• weekend trips and holidays across the UK
• information on other organisations
• counselling groups
• helpful books available to borrow.
Write to:

WAY Widowed and Young
Suite 14, Collage Business Centre
Uttoxeter Road
Derby DE22 3WZ


Bereaved Parents’ Network

The Bereaved Parents’ Network is a project run by the nationwide charity Care for the Family. It is staffed entirely by people who have been bereaved of a child at any age and in any circumstance, and offers support through:
• day and weekend events for parents and for families
• a telephone befriender scheme
• a regular e-newsletter.
Write to:

Bereaved Parents’ Network
Care for the Family
Garth House
Leon Avenue
Cardiff CF15 7RG
Call: 029 2081 0800
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The Child Death Helpline

The Child Death Helpline provides emotional support for anyone affected by the death of a child – whatever their age, under whatever circumstances.
The helpline is staffed by bereaved parent volunteers (not counsellors), who are trained and supported by a professional team.
Call: 0800 282 986 Lines are open Monday to Sunday 7pm to 10pm, Monday, Thursday and Friday 10am to 1pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 10am to 4pm.
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The Child Bereavement Charity

The Child Bereavement Charity (CBC) is a national charity which gives support to grieving families and the professionals who care for them. Their information and support helpline offers a confidential listening and signposting service to anyone affected by the death of a child. Their website includes:
• forums for families and professionals
• articles and best practice guidelines (free to download)
• a searchable database of local and national support organisations
• a comprehensive listing of relevant books and resources. They also offer specialised training and support for professionals wanting to improve their response to the needs of bereaved families.
Write to:

The Child Bereavement Charity
Aston House
West Wycombe
High Wycombe
Buckinghamshire HP14 3AG
Call: 01494 446648
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The Compassionate Friends

The Compassionate Friends is an organisation of bereaved parents and their families helping each other through their grief. They give support, friendship and advice to parents and families after the death of their child – whatever the age or cause.
Helpline: 0845 123 2304 Lines are open from 10am to 4pm and from 6.30pm to 10.30pm
Office number: 0845 120 3785
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If you are a child who has lost a close relative or if you’re worried about a child

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)

The NSPCC offers free advice and support to anyone concerned about the welfare of a child, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Calls to their helpline are dealt with by counsellors who are trained child protection officers.
Write to:

NSPCC Helpline
Weston House
42 Curtain Road
London EC2A 3NH
Call: 0808 800 5000
Textphone: 0800 056 0566
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NSPCC Asian Helpline

The NSPCC Asian Helpline is available in various languages, and offers free advice and support to anyone concerned about the welfare of a child.
Call: 0800 096 7719 (English-speaking line)Helplines are also available in the following languages:
• Bengali: 0800 096 7714
• Gujarati: 0800 096 7715
• Hindi: 0800 096 7716
• Punjabi: 0800 096 7717
• Urdu: 0800 096 7718
All lines are open Monday to Friday, 10am to 6pm
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NSPCC Cymru, Wales Child Protection Helpline

The NSPCC Cymru offers free advice and support to anyone concerned about the welfare of a child. A bilingual service is also available.
Call: 0808 100 2524 Lines are open Monday to Friday, 10am to 6pm
Textphone: 0808 100 1033
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ChildLine is the UK’s free, 24-hour helpline for children and young people in distress or danger. It is a service provided by the NSPCC.
Their trained counsellors comfort, listen and advise.
Write to:

Weston House
42 Curtain Road
London EC2A 3NH
If you are a child or a young person:
Freepost NATN 1111
London E1 6BR
Call: 0800 1111 Lines are open 24 hours a day and calls are free.
Textphone: 0800 400 222 Lines are open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 9.30pm, weekends 9.30am to 8pm
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The Line – for any young person living away from home Call: 0800 88 44 44 Lines are open Monday to Friday 3.30pm to 9.30pm, weekends 2pm to 8pm. Calls are free.

Winston’s Wish

Winston’s Wish is a national service which helps children rebuild their lives after the death of a parent or sibling, enabling them to face the future with hope.
It also offers practical support and guidance to families, professionals and anyone concerned about a grieving child.
Their work is important to help children avoid the problems that can occur in later life if they are unable to express their grief. The service provides:
• a national helpline for anyone concerned about a grieving child
• specialist group work for families bereaved through suicide, murder or manslaughter
• an interactive website
• specially designed creative resources
• consultancy and training to a wide range of professionals
• research into the most effective interventions for bereaved families.
Write to:

Winston’s Wish
Westmoreland House
80–86 Bath Road
Gloucestershire GL53 7JT
Call: 08452 03 04 05 (helpline) Lines open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
01242 515157 (for general enquiries)
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Voice UK

Voice UK offers support and information to adults and children with learning difficulties who have experienced crime, and their families and carers.
They also campaign for changes in the law and practice that concern those with learning difficulties.
Write to:

Voice UK
Kelvin House
RTC Business Park
Derby DE24 8UP
Helpline: 0845 122 8695
Information: 01332 291042
Textphone: 0779 7800642
Go to:
The webpage is not working ant not sure on the phone number or email.
I will try and find out whats wrong.

If you were affected by a sudden and violent or traumatic bereavement.

Escaping Victimhood

The Escaping Victimhood programme aims to support those suffering the long-term effects of the trauma of a sudden and violent bereavement. The programme is set in a comfortable environment, away from daily life and in the company of people with similar experiences. Its activities include:
• the opportunity to learn about the impact of trauma
• workshops on personal change – these help you to locate the traumatic event within the context of your life’s journey, and provide some tools for self-help
• group work such as painting or photography – this will give you new ways of expressing your experience
• one-to-one counselling and therapy. The programme is made up of an introductory evening, a residential workshop and a follow-up day.
Email Tim Newell

The sudden death of a teenager is particularly traumatic for parents, as well as siblings and grandparents. offers emotional and practical support through an online resource and nationwide support network. They also campaign to achieve better rights for victims of violent crime.
Write to:
PO Box 10285
Colchester CO1 9HQ
Call: 07913 584260
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Support after Murder and Manslaughter (SAMM)

SAMM offers help and support to families and friends who have been bereaved through murder and manslaughter.
All of their support volunteers have been bereaved in a similar way. SAMM is also involved in training, research and raising public awareness.
They also work to increase the understanding of organisations working with bereaved families – particularly with the criminal justice system.
Write to:

SAMM National Office
1st Floor, Scotia House
33 Finsbury Square
London EC24 1PL
Call; 0121 472 2912 or
Call: 0845 872 3440
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Victims’ Voice

Victims’ Voice is an umbrella charity which addresses the issues that arise when people are bereaved by sudden and traumatic death and have to cope with the involvement of police, coroners, mortuaries, hospitals and the courts.
Victims’ Voice publishes two homicide case booklets:
• Sudden Death and the Coroner To order this booklet, email or call 07984 078 918. Make sure that you state how many copies you need and your full postal address, including postcode.
• Coroner’s Post Mortem and Inquests To order this booklet, see contact details below.
They also publish the information booklet Information for Suddenly Bereaved People. This booklet is written from the perspective of bereaved people and includes information about the specialist charities offering support and guidance.
It is available, free of charge, in quantities of two or more. To order this booklet, see contact details below.
Write to:

Victims’ Voice
PO Box 21
Gloucestershire GL7 4WX
Call: 07984 078918 Please speak slowly and clearly, and give best time for them to call back
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If you were bereaved because of a traffic accident.


BrakeCare is a division of Brake, the national road safety charity. BrakeCare supports people who have been bereaved and injured in road crashes through their helpline and a range of literature. They also assist professionals working with road crash victims.
You may find these guides helpful:
• Information and advice for bereaved families and friends following a road death (versions available for England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland)
• Advice for victims, families and friends following a serious injury in a road crash (versions available for England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland)
• Someone has died in a road crash – a child bereavement guide for adults and children to read together Call: 0845 603 8570 (if you reach an answer phone, leave a message saying when you would like to be called back) oc
Call Switchboard : 01484 559909 or
Victin Helpline : 0808 8000401
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RoadPeace is the national charity for road crash victims with local groups around the country. It offers emotional and practical support to those bereaved and injured in crashes. Their trained volunteers have all been bereaved or injured or are carers for family members injured in crashes.
RoadPeace offers:
• a befriender network
• information sheets that explain the post-crash legal procedures
• a number of key publications, such as the Road Death Investigation Guide and Civil Compensation after a Road Death
• a newsletter
• local groups
• many acts of remembrance, including the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.
RoadPeace also campaigns to improve the support available to road crash victims, and for more priority to be given to reducing road death and injury.
Call: 0845 4500 355 Lines are open Monday to Saturday, 9am to 5pm. Assistance is also possible in French, Spanish, German and Polish.
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Campaign Against Drinking and Driving (CADD)and Support and Care After Road Death and Injury (SCARD)

The Campaign Against Drinking and Driving (CADD) supports all victims of drunk or drugged drivers throughout the UK.
Support and Care After Road Death and Injury (SCARD) is a registered charity which gives emotional and practical support to people affected by road tragedies all over the UK.
The two charities give or offer access to:
• free legal advice from their vastly experienced legal representatives
• a confidential helpline giving support and assistance
• counselling, which in many cases will be low cost or free
• workshops to educate people about the dangers of driving under the influence of drink or drugs
• a yearly memorial service for road collision victims
• free internet memorials for victims and their families.
They also campaign to put the effects of drunk and drugged driving to the forefront of public and government attention.
Write to:

PO Box 62
West Yorkshire HD6 3YY
Helpline: 0845 123 5542 Lines are open every day 9am to 9pm
Office: 0845 123 5541 Office open 9am to 5pm
Go to:
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If you have been affected by a suicide

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS)

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) offers support to those bereaved by the suicide of a close relative or friend. They aim to provide a safe, confidential environment where the bereaved can share their experiences and feelings.
Support is available through:
• a helpline
• support group meetings around the country
• support days
• residential events.
Write to:

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide
National Office
The Flamsteed Centre
Albert Street
Derbyshire DE7 5GU
Helpline: 0844 561 6855 Lines are open every day 9am to 9pm
Minicom (deaf or hard of hearing): 01925 826204 (Brenda
– also Email:
Typetalk: 18002 – 01925 826204
Office: 0115 944 1117
Office: Email:

For a Welsh speaker: Email:
For lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered questions: Email: , or call 07773 382145
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If you feel that the offender was unjustly acquitted

Justice After Acquittal (JAA)

Justice After Acquittal (JAA) campaigns for legal rights and support for victims’ families following an unjust acquittal after a murder trial.
Their founders are Carole Longe and Ann Roberts.
Write to:

Justice After Acquittal
PO Box 72
Manchester M35 0XE
Call: 07902 929379.

If you were bereaved because of medical negligence.

Death After Medical Negligence (DAMN)

Death After Medical Negligence (DAMN) offers support to families who may have lost someone through medical negligence – even though the cause of death was given as ‘natural causes’. DAMN was formerly Rigorous Analysis of Iatrogenic Death (RAID).
Contact Mrs Lilly Lewy
Call: 020 8205 4985


If you were bereaved because of a breakdown of community care.

Zito Trust

The Zito Trust provides advice and support to the victims of community care breakdown. The trust also campaigns towards the reform of mental health policy and law.
Call: 01497 820011 (answer service)
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If the deceased died during service with the British Armed Forces.

SSAFA Forces Help

SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association) Forces Help offers practical and emotional support to those who have lost a loved one during service with the British Armed Forces. SSAFA also provides:
• a confidential support line
• an independent, mutual support group open to all those affected by loss
• a local network of branches offering financial support for dependants suffering hardship.
Write to:

Jane Barnes
SSAFA Forces Help
19 Queen Elizabeth Street
London SE1 2LP
Call: 020 7403 8783 or 0800 731 4880 (for the confidential support line)
Go to:


If you were bereaved because of a disaster, such as a terrorist attack, or a transport or natural disaster.

Disaster Action.

Disaster Action was founded by survivors and bereaved people from a wide variety of disasters, including terrorist attacks, and transport and natural disasters. They work to:
• promote greater understanding of the needs of individuals following a major emergency
• facilitate the coming together of self-determining family groups or survivor support groups
• offer support and guidance through their leaflet series ‘When Disaster Strikes’ to guide you through the aftermath – these leaflets can be downloaded from their website.
Disaster Action does not offer a counselling service, but can suggest where to go for further support.
Call: 01483 799066 The office is open on a part-time basis – outside office hours there is an answer phone
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If the deceased died when in custody.


Inquest operates a casework service for those bereaved after a death in the custody of the police or prison, in psychiatric detention or involving immigration services. They also offer advice to bereaved families or friends facing an inquest in England and Wales through an information pack.
Write to:

89–93 Fonthill Road
London N4 3JH
Call: 020 7263 1111 Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm – outside these hours you can leave a message and someone will call you back as soon as possible
Go to:


Paul J King Funeral Directors.

Based in Essex

Friendly, caring and professional and independent local business offering a wide range of funeral services, Coffins, transport, flowers, funeral plans.

6 Corporation Road
Office hours are 9am to 5pm
Call: 01245 264411 Lines are open 24 hours a day.

86 Manor Street
Office hours are 9am to 5pm
Call: 01376 334466 Lines are open 24 hours a day.

10 Station Road
Office hours are 9am to 5pm
Call: 01621 784884 Lines are open 24 hours a day.

90 Ferry Road
Office hours are 9am to 5pm
Call: 01702 232005 Lines are open 24 hours a day.

1 High Street
Office hours are 9am to 5pm
Call: 01621 855552 Lines are open 24 hours a day.

South Woodham Ferrers
5 Guild Way
Office hours are 9am to 5pm
Call: 01245 321866 Lines are open 24 hours a day.

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Published by the Office for Criminal Justice Reform in March 2009
Copyright : 2020.

All information is directly from Essex Police.
We are being supported by Essex Police and Essex Fire and Rescue.